Sat,06 Aug 2016
Why is OM so powerful in the OBE/Lucid state?
I have had a break from attempting OBEs/Lucid dreams since the start of the school holidays, with so many commitments with my family and my routine sh...Read More
Thu,06 Dec 2012
Today's guest is Clairvoyant Lindy Cowling. Lindy talks passionately about her work to awaken and empower people, especially regarding the awakening / Ascension process that is now in full swing.
...Read More
Wed,30 Nov 2011
Listen using the audio player above.
Elizabeth Francis 'authoress of Gift - from Spiritual wealth to
financial wealth" joins us again this week to discuss the fascinating concept of Ebbing times....Read More
Sat,19 Nov 2011
Tonight's guest is multidimensional medium / channeller Susan DeVere who took the time to discuss her fascinating workshop on the Awakening through the guidance of master teacher Red Cloud.
To list...Read More
Wed,16 Nov 2011
Tonight's guest is multidimensional medium / channeller Susan DeVere who took the time to discuss her fascinating workshop on the Awakening through the guidance of master teacher Red Cloud.
To list...Read More
Sat,29 Oct 2011
In today's show we chatted with Psychic author Elizabeth Francis about her successful debut book titled Gift: From Spiritual Wealth to Financial Wealth. We touched on her own psychic awakening and exp...Read More
Wed,26 Oct 2011
In today's show we chatted with Psychic author Elizabeth Francis about her successful debut book titled Gift: From Spiritual Wealth to Financial Wealth. We touched on her own psychic awakening and exp...Read More
Fri,02 Sep 2011
To listen to the 55 minute podcast show please use the audio player above.
Chris Thomas returns for a third show to provide an update to where we are in the awakening / soul integration process whi...Read More
Sat,27 Aug 2011
Graham returns for a 2nd show to discuss his debut book, Avenues of the Human Spirit published by O Books. Graham shares his journey growing up as young boy in London where the real threat of constant...Read More
Sat,27 Aug 2011
Dolores Cannon is the world's foremost pioneering past-life regressionist, author of 17 books, owner of her own publishing company Ozark Mountain, crop circle and UFO investigator as well as an expert...Read More
Thu,25 Aug 2011
To listen to the 55 minute interview please use the audio player above.
Graham returns for a 2nd show to discuss his debut book, Avenues of the Human Spirit published by O Books. Graham shares his ...Read More
Tue,21 Jun 2011
Welcome to our latest podcast show with Dolores Cannon. Please use the player above to listen to the 45 minute interview.
Dolores Cannon is the world's foremost pioneering past-life regressionist, ...Read More
Wed,25 May 2011
In this power packed 40 minute podcast show we caught up with Chris Bourne from Open Hand Foundation to talk about their enlightening new documentary, 5 Gateways.
You can listen to the interview by...Read More
Thu,05 May 2011
Listen to our 30 minute talk using the audio player above.
When higher self calls, we must be ready to trust and act, this has not been easy, but Hanna understands the importance of this symbolic s...Read More
Sat,15 Jan 2011
Special Note: 15th Jan 2011
It's with great sadness that the "Journeys into Consciousness" show with Gregory Haye has now come to an end. Due to circumstances beyond our control, Mick & Sylvie are ...Read More
Tue,14 Dec 2010
"The Shroud of Turin or Turin Shroud is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered physical trauma in a manner consistent with crucifixion. It is kept in the royal chapel of...Read More
Thu,11 Nov 2010
David Wells Past Lives Interview - Topics discussed - Past Life Regression, Qabala, Astrology and Psychic Development
David Wells joined us to talk about his fascinating past life regression work, ...Read More
Tue,02 Nov 2010
Today's guest is Trance Medium Robert Goodwin and his wife and spiritual partner Amanda. In the show we touched upon the enlightening philosophies of spirit being White Feather to help get an insight ...Read More
Wed,20 Oct 2010
Today's guest is Nigel Kerner, screenwriter, journalist, and author of "The Song of the Greys" and "Greys Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls". He is joined to discuss his shocking theory on the Grey a...Read More
Wed,06 Oct 2010
Today's special guest is Medium Gordon Smith. In this power packed 30 minute podcast, Gordon shares his experiences, spiritual philosphy and thoughts about the times we're living in.
About Gordo...Read More
Mon,27 Sep 2010
Today's guests are Psychic Medium Philip Kinsella, a guest on one of our previous shows talking about his outstanding book "Believe, a ground breaking theory which bridges the gap between the psychic ...Read More
Wed,22 Sep 2010
In today's show we joined up with the Atlantean Body to talk about their spiritual networking project to help bring businesses together in this time of great change, a much needed community for the ne...Read More
Wed,08 Sep 2010
This week’s guest is Graham Nicholls, an author, new media artist, peaceful spiritual activist and most importantly for tonight’s show, an expert in out-of-body experiences. With over several hundred ...Read More
Wed,01 Sep 2010
In today’s show, Ian spent a fruitful forty minutes chatting to the assistant editor of Prediction magazine to get juicy inside information on how the recently relaunched magazine had gone and get an ...Read More
Wed,01 Sep 2010
Today's guest is Hollywood actress Lindsay Wagner, star of the seventies hit, The Bionic Woman. In today's show Lindsay gives us a glimpse of the techniques used to awaken our full human potential. Li...Read More
Mon,30 Aug 2010
Info: ( If you wish to download the show onto your computer, right click the download link above and "save target as" )
Today's guest is Hollywood actress Lindsay Wagner, star of the seventies hit,...Read More
Tue,17 Aug 2010
This weeks guest is Dolores Cannon, a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who records "Lost" knowledge. In the show Dolores discusses her up and coming lecture in London where she will be...Read More
Fri,04 Jun 2010
Today's guest is Jennifer Hough.
Jennifer Hough is a Canadian based speaker, author, gifted intuitive, holistic nutritionist and teacher of the Art of Awakening. Jennifer will be in the UK on the 1...Read More
Mon,24 May 2010
John C. Parkin F**k It Interview, The Ultimate Spiritual Way
This week's guest is John C. Parkin, author of the hugely successful self help books, F**k It. In the show we discussed John's backgroun...Read More
Mon,24 May 2010
Dr David Hamilton Interview
Today’s guest is Dr David Hamilton PhD, a research scientist who worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 4 years after gaining his PhD. Having discovered that a large ...Read More
Wed,19 May 2010
Dr David Hamilton Interview
Today’s guest is Dr David Hamilton PhD, a research scientist who worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 4 years after gaining his PhD. Having discovered that a...Read More
Fri,14 May 2010
This week's guest is John C. Parkin, author of the hugely successful self help books, F**k It. In the show we discussed John's background, philosophical outlook on life and what inspired him to use a ...Read More
Thu,06 May 2010
This week's guest is international speaker, author and medium Sharon Anne Klingler.
Sharon maintains a private practice in mediumship and other metaphysical disciplines with high profile clients fr...Read More
Mon,26 Apr 2010
Here is a ten minute snippet of our hour long interview with Tasoist expert Barefoot doctor.
Barefoot Doctor aka Stephen Russell, master with 44 years experience in self-development, based on anci...Read More
Fri,23 Apr 2010
Today's guest is JC Mac. We apologies for the sound quality in places which was due to the conversation being recorded over a mobile broadband device rather than a fixed landline connection, but hey t...Read More
Thu,15 Apr 2010
This is a ten minute preview of our interview with profressional telepathic animal communicator, Pea Horsley. To listen to the full show please visit our podcast home page here:
a href="http://www.T...Read More
Fri,02 Apr 2010
The Cove Slaughter of Dolphins in Japan to feed Children
In Japan, fishermen round up and slaughter hundreds and even thousands of dolphins and other small whales each year and are feeding them to ...Read More
Thu,25 Mar 2010
Discussing the "Bigfoot" species and their ability to operate multi dimensionally.
Spirit Being Gregory Haye and The White Cloud Group discuss the ability of the Big Foot species to operate multi d...Read More
Tue,16 Feb 2010
Here is a 10 minute clip of our interview with UFO Abductee and Medium Philip Kinsella talking about his explosive new book Believe.
This week's guest is Philip Kinsella, a well known medium who h...Read More
Wed,27 Jan 2010
Channelled by Spirit Being Gregory Haye from The White Cloud Group
Haiti Earthquake and increasing risk in other places
We discussed the tragic events that took place in Haiti this week where the re...Read More
Sat,23 Jan 2010
Please help spread this message far and wide.
In todays show we expanded on the message that was used in the recent YouTube video we produced called Avatar The Real Story. The message within the vi...Read More
Wed,13 Jan 2010
This week's guest is Philip Kinsella, a well known medium who has appeared on television and radio. He has written numerous articles and books on Paranormal and UFO phenomena. In tonights show we wil...Read More
Mon,11 Jan 2010
E.T Races (Raptures, Greys and Other Humanoid Races)
Channelled by The White Cloud Group.
Gregory confirmed that there is a race of Raptures that had been here at one time, not a particularly nice...Read More
Sun,03 Jan 2010
The indigenous cultures are now banding together to help usher in a world of peace. However, these peaceful peoples have been fighting a secret war with corporate groups and governments hell bent on d...Read More
Fri,01 Jan 2010
Message channelled via Gregory of the White Cloud Group.
This show focussed on other serious issues regarding our environment and ecosystems, although we are going through a time of transformation ...Read More
Sun,27 Dec 2009
Ten minute clip taken from our podcast show found here.
Iran / North Korea
Many space nati...Read More
Wed,23 Dec 2009
This week's guest is Spiritual Writer and Lecturer Mark Bennett.
Mark is the co-author of two books, Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guarding Angels, which he wrote alongside international bestse...Read More
Mon,14 Dec 2009
Snippet taken from our full hourly show with Georgia Jenkins.
This weeks guest is Georgia Jenkins, Intuitive, Medicine Woman and organiser of Lotus from the Stars. A community based project to help...Read More
Sun,06 Dec 2009
Channelled by Spirit Being Gregory.
Gregory discussed his views on the recent release of hacked climate change data which is alleged to show scientists cooking the books for their own agendas. We a...Read More
Tue,01 Dec 2009
This weeks guest is Georgia Jenkins, Intuitive, Medicine Woman and organiser of Lotus from the Stars. A community based project to help children and adults remember Ancestral Knowledge with the new co...Read More
Thu,19 Nov 2009
Below is a video of our recent Podcast interview with Chris Bourne from
Original show can be found here:
a href="" class="lnkOrange12px" tar...Read More
Wed,18 Nov 2009
Today's guest is Hanna Ehlers, a spiritual and metaphysical teacher helping many lightworkers to step on to their chosen pathway.
(Scroll down to listen to the show)
Hanna has dedicated her life t...Read More
Sat,14 Nov 2009
Ten minute snippet taken from our podcast show here:
Journeys into Consciousness Show 10
The Moon Bomb, Earth Quakes, Biblical Angels, Fatima Prophecy
a href=" More
Tue,10 Nov 2009
Spirit Being, Gregory confirmed that the Crop Circles are indeed real and that they are made by many positive visiting E.T groups as well as orbs from the spirit world. They are encoding geometric inf...Read More
Sun,01 Nov 2009
The video above is a twenty minute clip taken from the a href=" More
Sat,24 Oct 2009
Many of you reading this may have already listened to our weekly Podcasts shows that are available on this site, discussing a vast array of esoteric subjects.
We are now in the process of uploadin...Read More
Wed,07 Oct 2009
In this show we discuss the following topics:
To listen to the show, scroll down to the purple audio player underneath this narrative
1. What is Ascension.
2. How does it relat...Read More
Wed,23 Sep 2009
In today's show we discussed the follow:
Spiritual activism and the dangers of apathy within the spiritual community
His book, Combing The Mirror, and other steps in your spiritual path.
Kevi...Read More
Tue,15 Sep 2009
Google have posted another mysterious graphic on their home page today (September 15th 2009) depicting a UFO hovering over a Google crop circle. The L has either been removed by the hovering orb or no...Read More
Wed,09 Sep 2009
In today's show we discuss the following topics:
More on the Big Shock
Instant Divine Justice
Future Food Crisis
Climate Issues
Potential Wars
Dangers of Passive Spirituality
Unity & Christ C...Read More
Thu,13 Aug 2009
This weeks guest is International Medium Nicky Alan. Having embarked on a long and successful police career, quite unexpectedly Nicky had to leave her cherished profession behind her.
Suddenly a pa...Read More
Wed,29 Jul 2009
The Lost Steps of Reiki
Dr Kevin talks about a form of Reiki Healing that was shared with him through the act of trance channelling, in 1995 by Wei Chi, a Tibetan shaman, who walked the ear...Read More
Wed,15 Jul 2009
In today's show with Kerin we discuss the following topics:
Prophecy update on events Kerin had seen ahead of time. Kerin sends us emails as he sees things happen, this way we have proof when thing...Read More
Wed,01 Jul 2009
Today's guest is Dr Kevin Ross Emery.
In this show Dr Kevin focuses on the history of Atlantis and Lemuria, what is was like, why it was destroyed and what the beings who inhabited the continent w...Read More
Sun,14 Jun 2009
Today's guest is Rupert Isaacson. An Author, Journalist and Human Rights activist for displaced indigenous tribes and most importantly a dedicated father of an autistic boy called Rowan.
We are ...Read More
Wed,03 Jun 2009
Here at we have produced a wonderful video to help us through the times of change we are now facing.
Whether you are a follower of the Ascension process, 2012 or just worried ...Read More
Sat,30 May 2009
Spirit Guide Gregory Haye talks about autism, what it is, and how it affects them from a spiritual point of view.
Gregory explains how their minds work and how we can best achieve a connection wih th...Read More
Wed,27 May 2009
Dear Readers,
I have four things to tell you about this week. Read on for further details.
Journeys into Consciousness Show 2 - with Spirit Guide Gregory Haye
Topics discussed: Aut...Read More
Tue,26 May 2009
In this show Kerin discusses three violent experiences that could have left him dead and passing back to spirit before his time. In each case something quite extraordinary happened that saved his life...Read More
Mon,18 May 2009
Dear Readers,
A change of direction this week from my normal style. We are now in a great time of change, one could argue that the transition we find ourselves is needed if we're to build a much be...Read More
Tue,28 Apr 2009
Show details:
Hosted by Ian Jones
With guest Gary Mannion
In today's show we discuss the topic of psychic surgery, healing, indigo's and the spiritual awakening that is happening on...Read More
Mon,27 Apr 2009
You might not be aware of it but we are actually living in a much higher loving godlike frequency. What does this mean?. If we wish to place a label on it as we humans like to do then I will try to ex...Read More
Tue,21 Apr 2009
(CNN) -- Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere.
Mitchell, who was par...Read More
Sun,19 Apr 2009
Coming very soon radio.
The new pages should be up very soon (as of typing this). We will be running various online shows that visitors can listen to or download.
In the ...Read More
Mon,06 Apr 2009
After watching the YouTube clip below I promptly purchased a copy of "The Autistic Revolution: Children In the Time of Awakening" via the Abramam-Hicks website. Having an autisic child myself I'm no s...Read More
Fri,27 Mar 2009
Excerpted from the DVD "The Autistic Revolution: Children In the Time of Awakening" from Abraham-Hicks Publications.
In this presentation, Abraham [channelled by Hicks] addresses several questions ...Read More
Wed,25 Mar 2009
[Updated: 27th March 09. More info added]
I have just come across a wonderful uplifting video from mystic Drunvalo Melchizedek which explains in a very positive light the changes we ...Read More
Tue,24 Mar 2009
Over the weekend we had some guests over for a social gathering. In order to create a nice party atmosphere we set up YouTube via the T.V, so we could choose various classic songs to listen to as we s...Read More
Mon,16 Mar 2009
As many of you will know there is a spiritual awakening happening on planet Earth. I know it doesn't always appear to be this way, especially if you follow the News, but I can assure you many people a...Read More
Fri,02 Jan 2009
On New Year’s Day I took a trip as did the many others to Southend-on-Sea in Essex, mainly to clear the cobwebs away from the party celebrations the night before. I opted out of visiting the busier pa...Read More
Tue,02 Dec 2008
I had a couple of questions this morning regarding if psychics can read the past as well as the future and secondly if there are any repercussions knowingly giving off false informatiion during a rea...Read More
Mon,01 Dec 2008
Back in May 2005 a huge mirage appeared across the horizon viewable from the shoreline of Penglai City, Eastern China. According to some reports on t...Read More
Wed,26 Nov 2008
My apologies for not writing much on this blog this week, I have been extreamly busy on other projects. I quickly scanned the web this morning to find something to share with you all. I came across a ...Read More
Thu,13 Nov 2008
What is the Higher Self
The simplest answer is that the Higher Self is the future us. It is that part of us that IS reaching out across all densities of experience to help the creator (who i...Read More
Mon,10 Nov 2008
Just a quick post this week to chat about nurturing the Inner Child. This is something that I have been drawn to for a while but haven't had the chance to do anything about it. I have been asking for ...Read More
Sat,11 Oct 2008
My quest for spiritual and alternative knowledge started back in my early twenties after reading vast amounts of material on UFOs and spiritualism, especially much of the older books from the Victoria...Read More
Thu,14 Aug 2008
On the 15th July this solar system crop circle formation appeared in a corn field in Avebury Manor, nr Avebury in Wiltshire. What's interesting about this formation is ...Read More
Mon,21 Jul 2008
The majority of autism cases I have read by parents of children with autism seem to be mainly about boys so I thought id share my experiences regarding my daughter Nieve who is Four. Nieve's birth was...Read More
Fri,14 Mar 2008
I had the most vivid dream five weeks ago (around 5th Feb) where I was on the beautiful coast of Cornwall looking out. For some reason I knew a large tidal wave was coming.
I drove down to the beach ...Read More
Tue,29 Jan 2008
As many of you will know we have a general blue print of the potential lessons to achieve in the current life time. However we're also given free will to allow us to make good or bad decisions within ...Read More
Tue,18 Dec 2007
Fighting Against or Fighting For?
When we fight against something we use all our energy and power against ourselves. Imagine a huge mountain. As you step up close all you see is the hard roc...Read More
Mon,16 Apr 2007
Creating Your Own Reality.
How many of us believe that our thoughts are strictly private and what we think about goes no further than than our own four walls --- unless we're praying. The reality i...Read More
Mon,13 Nov 2006
Law of Attraction
We have the power within us to draw positive or negative influences into our lives. The law of attraction works on many levels including the physical, mental and the soul l...Read More
Thu,02 Nov 2006
The following questions were put to us by our visitors and workshop attendees. These questions are then answered by various teachers working for the sanctuary.
What is Karma?
I thought id writ...Read More