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Sally’s Well-being Manual
1. I visualise what you want to experience. I find this easiest to do when I write and visualise what I am writing about. I do this when I wake up in the morning.
2. Conscious breathing I do now and again through the day- to be present in the now very relaxing and can be done anywhere at anytime.
3. I remember that when the lounge carpet is dirty I wouldn’t be cross at myself for making it dirty, I would just clean it up when I was ready to do so! Same with thoughts, no point telling myself off for what I have created, I just decide what my next best move is.
4. Like a seed, I don’t dig it up to see if it’s growing. The same with manifesting the body I prefer, I am not cross it’s not how you want it yet. I trust the process.
5. Gratitude everyday, different ones, I notice tiny magnificent things. If it’s a tricky day then I do more gratitude!
6. I notice where my thoughts are as soon as I realise they have gone astray. I redirect them. I have written mine down as they streamed through my mind to catch them and actively changed them. It’s astounding what I have thought!
7. Journal prompts are good. I am scared of being in my right sized body because ... I am afraid of being healthy because ... I keep answering the same prompt until I can find nothing else on that subject. I love these insights ??
8. Once I know what I am scared of then I take steps to resolve this thinking. I remember they are just thoughts and can be changed in a flash. I sit with each feeling and notice where I feel this in my body, what shape is it, size, colour if any, what substance could it be made of? I observe it without judgement, allow it to change. I do this for 5-10 minutes, let it go and go do something else. ??
9. I listen to uplifting inspiring speakers as I do ordinary jobs or food prep. You tube or audible books are good for this I find.
10. I do not talk about what I don’t want unless exploring for insights, as you get more of what you focus on. I gently notice, don’t judge, criticise or get into a story about it. I believe my body is a tool, a reflection of my mind so I can learn, grow and develop. I am the soul, temporarily with this body for an experience. I gently notice and acknowledge what you feel. Then I release it with any methods I know, journal or sit with it.
11. I make my well-being like a job, and do it all day in various ways.
12. I lovingly tend to yourself. Stroke my body tenderly with love and care as I would with a loved one. I eat as though the food was lovingly grown just for me. I imagine what I would say to a loved one and say or think it to myself. What I wish for loved ones, I wish for myself.
13. I trust the universal plan, it’s always for my highest good.
14. I find that quiet place inside of me, we all have it. Just ‘looking’ for it helps as it states I know it’s there.
15. I treat my mind like a puppy. When it runs away somewhere I don’t want it to go then I gently, playfully and lovingly call it back. It will keep wandering off. With practice it’s become easier. It’s a lifetime practice for most of us.
16. I meditate and experiment with what types of meditations work best for me, what times of day and places that are most effective. I find Transcendental Meditation works best for me at the moment, 20 minutes at 7am and sometime in the afternoon or early evening.
17. I relax my body and this in turn relaxes my mind and vide versa. I love my garden hammock, lying watching the clouds transform. Even looking out the window is a lovely way of pausing and relaxing me for a few seconds.
18. I do things that I love and ideally take my 100% focus. Writing has recently been a great relaxer for me. I love learning lots of new things.
19. I praise myself and celebrate my wins over and over again. The tinier the better, the small ones add up!
20. Habit stacking is fairly new to me and it’s really helped. I add a new habit onto an already established one. Like I already had the habit of making my bed in the morning so added the new habit of putting my gratitude journal on my pillow so at night I always fill it in before getting into bed. I already had the habit of cleaning my teeth so added manifesting statements while I did it and so on.
If you would like any help creating your well-being manual for you then email me and we will arrange either a remote email session or a live zoom meeting.
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