Sun,02 Oct 2016
Having not written anything for the last couple of years, because of health problems, I’ve decided to resume writing at this time, because if I don’t do it now then I probably won’t do it at all….wher...Read More
Sat,08 Nov 2014
Last December my sister got knocked down by a mini-cab, as she was crossing the road on a zebra crossing. The speed limit in that area was 20 mph, which if the driver had adhered to, may have enabled...Read More
Tue,08 Jul 2014
Regardless of what happens to us, and how debilitated we become, or feel, we must know that life goes on...not just for others, but for us as well.
Even though we feel overwhelmed, disempowered, de...Read More
Fri,15 Nov 2013
Mirroring resistance is futile when there are issues to be resolved. So dealing with problems is paramount, if you want to start feeling relaxed once more.
Time is of the essence with some priori...Read More
Sat,09 Nov 2013
Guidance I received recently, that may also help you....
Fear not for the future, for it is good! Your own health will improve, once your focus is placed on your own needs and necessities.
Time ...Read More
Thu,29 Aug 2013
Sometimes, when we feel stuck, we don’t realise that we’re not actually moving anywhere, because we’ve reached a crossroads in our life where we have to make a decision, and decide which road to take....Read More
Thu,15 Aug 2013
I’m prompted to write this post because of the many cases of suicide I’m hearing about lately! Each time I hear another person has killed themselves my heart cries out… ‘NO’…’THIS IS NOT RIGHT’…!! I...Read More
Mon,05 Aug 2013
It’s easy to believe that our life, and all that it consists, is all that there is for us!
Our individual experiences, challenges, hurts and pleasures make up an existence that we accept as being ...Read More
Thu,20 Jun 2013
This YEARNING feeling can cause us so many problems, pushing us to do this or that, and sometimes freezing us in our tracks because we don’t know what to do next to pacify it and ourselves.
A lot ...Read More
Tue,04 Jun 2013
Last week, Wednesday 29th May at 3.15 p.m. to be precise, my beautiful Eclectus parrot Chloe, had to be put to sleep. As other pet owners will recognise, I considered Chloe to be my baby – for the la...Read More
Wed,15 May 2013
I recently commented on a friend’s blog post, and as I thought about her, I searched in my higher mind for words of wisdom that might help her situation!
Writing short notes of wisdom is something...Read More
Thu,11 Apr 2013
After I commented on his blog recently, a blogging friend said this to me….
‘I’m not at all sure what I feel and think is valid. Sometimes I hate myself for being the way I am. I feel there is a...Read More
Mon,25 Mar 2013
I’ve just come across this worrying article, which seems to sum up the damage convenience food is causing to our health. And although there’s always a lot of hype over this subject, this one resonates...Read More
Sat,23 Mar 2013
Although I’d decided to write a series of articles under the title ‘Inside The Mind of a Fat Person’, I’ve found myself really struggling to get started on this third one. So I needed to identify why ...Read More
Sun,03 Mar 2013
Life brings challenges in all forms, that we have to somehow find a way to cope with. But it’s not always easy. And when we lose our positive/negative balance in life, it’s not uncommon for...Read More
Sun,10 Feb 2013
Whilst I’m writing a series of articles under the heading ‘Inside The Mind Of A Fat Person’, I will acknowledge right now that I KNOW that not all FP are unhappy, as there are many FP/TP who have a we...Read More
Sun,27 Jan 2013
When I heard that emotional causes of eating disorders are being explored by experts now, in an attempt to understand how to resolve obesity problems, I felt a sense of despair as I envisaged how supe...Read More
Wed,16 Jan 2013
I bought a couple of scratch cards today, ones that I’d not played before. They cost £3 each, and even though I didn’t have much money left for the week, the foolish, optimist and gambler part of me ...Read More
Thu,13 Dec 2012
I know it may sound corny, and I know you’ve probably heard it said a million times or more. But today I’m taking the risk to say it once again…Everyone Matters!!
It’s Christmas, and is the time ...Read More
Wed,05 Dec 2012
I’m sure I’m not the only person asking themselves ‘Who Am I?’ at this moment in time, where as the pressure of futility increases, due to Christmas being just around the corner, we wonder what’s happ...Read More
Sun,04 Nov 2012
This wasn’t the post I intended to write, but it sort of became A Spontaneous Post that surfaced within me, that needed to be released from my mind! So I’m just going with it, and allowing these words...Read More
Tue,30 Oct 2012
Meditation is a great tool for helping us relax, find peace in our mind and hearts, and transcend the physical world. However, there are many different ways to use meditation, and many different medi...Read More
Sat,06 Oct 2012
I’d been feeling unsettled for some time, about the turbulence and uncertaintly in so many of our lives, including mine.
‘Is there no-one who is happy, confident, optimistic, and whose life is in...Read More
Sat,29 Sep 2012
I’ve had a horrible few days because my parrot, aged 17 years, suddenly developed an infection which stopped her from eating, where she was sleeping most of the time. I knew that quick intervention i...Read More
Fri,28 Sep 2012
When we reach crisis point - which can occur at any age and present as depression, addiction or other dysfunctional behaviour, fear thoughts and feelings question our worthiness, the ability to give a...Read More
Wed,26 Sep 2012
So many blogs I’m reading are about the writer sharing their painful experiences. Where readers comment and share their own experiences, and offer support for the author. It appears that resonance e...Read More
Wed,19 Sep 2012
Because spiritual influences are helping our soul evolve beyond our reactive ego personality, by encouraging us to identify, clarify, develop and live by authentic truth, we will find it harder to be ...Read More
Thu,09 Aug 2012
Over the years I’ve discovered that life moves us through various traumatic stages that have a beginning and end. The purpose of these stages is to help us grow and learn. Although each stage may va...Read More
Mon,04 Jun 2012
Because life is about learning, there are times when we need assistance from others, to help us find a way through our life obstacles! Asking for help is one of our major stumbling blocks. As often,...Read More
Mon,04 Jun 2012
Thinking about my writing today, I became aware that my words are coming from my mind. Okay, so it’s not my ego mind, and is my higher mind most of the time (I hope). But today I wanted to write some...Read More
Thu,10 May 2012
It’s very clear now, that we cannot escape anxiety provoking situations that make us feel bad and impede our opportunities for finding future happiness. Nevertheless, whilst we are starting to realise...Read More
Wed,25 Apr 2012
There Is Life After Breakdown!
Life is glorious, life is magical, but life is so bloody hard at times, I’m amazed that so many of us survive for as long as we do. The human body is a miracle, in t...Read More
Thu,19 Apr 2012
I’ve spent my life searching for one thing or another, and have become extremely proficient at achieving most goals I set my sights upon. But it worries me that I have developed so many skills and ab...Read More
Mon,02 Apr 2012
The Dreams Are Gone – So What Next?
I’ve found myself thinking about my broken dreams recently. You know, the ones where you knew you could change society if you did this or that. Where you belie...Read More
Mon,05 Dec 2011
As it’s coming toward the end of 2011, I thought I’d write what is probably my last article of the year. Just like recent years, 2011 has been a very eventful and stress-filled year for myself and for...Read More
Wed,12 Oct 2011
When will we stop struggling and just let ourselves be who we really are? And when will we be able to see that happiness is already inside our heart, where we just have to remove our cloak of fear to ...Read More
Tue,27 Sep 2011
Stepping Stones of Life!
I often wonder why my life is so challenging and hard to manage at times, where I ask myself.. ‘Is it me?’ or ‘Is it caused by something I’m doing wrong?’. I don’t want t...Read More
Thu,22 Sep 2011
Unexpressed thoughts, feelings and emotions can’t be released until our attention is given to them, so if we ignore the way we feel we can end up becoming depressed or anxious, ...Read More
Fri,26 Aug 2011
As I sat struggling to work out how I’m going to manage to pay my bills and manufacture new products this year, it suddenly struck me how much I felt a victim of circumstance.
I’ve done years of se...Read More
Tue,12 Jul 2011
There’s so much conflict in life to agitate us nowadays, that most of us are feeling the effects of stress one way or another. Common symptoms range from feeling irritated, agitated, sad, anxious or a...Read More
Mon,27 Jun 2011
Whilst it would be rather nice to be recognised for being helpful to society, the whole point of my writing is to emphasise the fact that life becomes so much harder when we try to survive this curre...Read More
Tue,29 Mar 2011
There’s too much aggression in this world because we find it hard to cope with the frustration we feel when things don’t go our way, in the way we want them...Read More
Tue,09 Nov 2010
As time moves on we are faced with many life challenges that stimulate aspects of ourselves we would rather ignore, and which cause us to become afraid. So even though I don’t want to increase any dis...Read More
Sat,25 Sep 2010
Did you see it today...?
Did you see how the sun rose this morning? It didn’t think twice about how to do it – it just knew it would do what it always does – right on time!
And although the cloud...Read More
Tue,21 Sep 2010
What do we do when we don’t know what to do?
So many people’s lives are in disarray now, because global, political, financial, personal, and spiritual influences are compelling us to change our liv...Read More
Fri,17 Sep 2010
The Path To Enlightenment
When we recognise the time is right to start our spiritual revolution, it’s important to become aware of how feelings and emotions motivate...Read More