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Change the World: The Universe Within:
Formerly I had been working on trying to understand how I can have the universe within my physical self. It took me a while and again I kept on with the focused thoughts and helping myself to focus on this thing’, in the end I could feel it and sense it as an energetic feeling of the divine within my solar plexus and heart area of the body.
I just kept imagining it being there and continued to do this for months, I created a routine so that I did not get bored with-it.
This was walking to the brook and sitting in the swings and focussing on nature to help me or walking along the brook focussing on it as I went, it was summer, and I did this every day until I found the feeling I was looking for. I opened heaven and earth inside. I felt that I was the universe, and it is within.
There have been times in the past when I've had given amazing things that came into my head, I've wrote them down. I've even posted them, things like the intuition, emotion, mental, and thoughts are fields of energy, not just one tiny little bit of energy within the human brain, but actual fields of energy that we carry within us. Now I appreciate that even these fields have sublevels as they emerge from the highest realms of the infinite source.
Everybody's in the field of the atmospheric ball of vim around earth, as a field it is being affected by the way we humans are acting.
What we do and how we do it affects everything, when they said about the butterfly effect’ that a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the Earth and on the other side of the Earth it caused a tsunami, I never deeply comprehend what that really meant, I understood the words, but I could not ‘get it
I can finally see how that happens, and it also explains how one person doing the meditation can affect lots and lots of people.
There is a scale that is proven that consciousness is exponential and if one person is becoming consciously aware and being focused within, connecting to their higher being in ways of deep gratitude, love heart/brain coherence then it goes into the fields and it affects everybody, and this is how we can change the world
There are two levels of heart centred consciousness, they resonate at different frequencies, it’s called the union situation. There is a low passive level that is heartfelt consciousness where the person meditates and adjust to the experience of unconditional love so i.e. when you go into meditation, you breathe, and you go into that lower level of heartfelt consciousness love.
The next level is the higher active level of heart powered consciousness where the person puts that heart centred awareness into action. This is the one that illuded me when I changed the way I was mediating, it has taken time and practice to find it.
It's done by in intense intention and imagination visualising what you want. It gives more pressure through the mental energy, first decide what you want to change, even that is not straight forwards, I concentrated on health-giving energy for myself and others as a starter.
The human mind can; through visualisation and intensity, attract an energy condition, then direct it towards any desired object, it takes time effort and continued practice.
The atmosphere is filled with beautiful aesthetic energy. These energies are replenished by sun including mental energy that forms the global mind atmosphere or mind belt round the Earth, the mind is conditioned by thoughts and emotions of humankind
Each person attracts mental energy, they condition it by their thoughts and actions and then passes it back to the mental/mind belt and everyone is affected by it.
A spiritual act! one which expresses unconditional love by anyone anywhere upon the planet improves the mind belt of the whole planet.
Work it for humanity by doing it on a higher level of reality rather than the physical being of third density earth, there's nothing you can do about how people act in that level of density, because everyone has free will therefore you cannot affect them.
But you can affect the whole of the higher level of frequency above the 3D by making it so, and change the world.
Be Light. Be Love. Be Happy.
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