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Angel Ariel
‘Therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy’.
William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
For those of you who are strangers to IET and are wondering what is it all about? What can it bring to my life? Should I try it, and are seeking answers, then I would say to you – in the words of Shakespeare... give it welcome. To explain and understand IET you need to start at the beginning.
Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a therapy which connects repairs and vitalises mind, body and soul. Now what exactly does that mean? Well simply put, the human form is more than just the physical body we all see and interact with on a daily basis. Inside that body there is an energy driving it – a life source if you like. Coupled with that internal energy source there is another, some would even say more powerful, energy source outside of the physical body as we know it, a source which surrounds your body, your own personal space and is sometimes referred to as an aura. Invisible though it is, it has a very real presence, and it drives the internal energy source that we all know exists, to ensure life.
Sometimes life – and let’s be honest - it happens to most of us, throws an unexpected turn of events at us, eg a loved one’s death, betrayal of some kind, loss of control of our lives, threats to our identity, anger and frustration, depression, addiction etc etc. All of these life events if not dealt with in a conscious way impact greatly on not only our obvious physical body but more critically, on our spiritual body, flooding our energy system with interferences to the natural flow of energy and embedding themselves in our various different organs, creating blockages at the sites where our emotions are felt, and indeed (contrary to our belief that it is our brain that harbours these emotions) take refuge. Confused? Bear with me, and read on.....
The source of all life is energy – this is fact. So where does that energy come from? It comes from the Earth and from the Universe. It is there for everyone, and without it there would be no anyone, there would be no life! It is a never ending abundance of divine energy that exists as our right to have, and is our given entitlement to receive.
We are all too ignorant to the potential for health, happiness, contentment and all the good things that life has to offer us by the very virtue of the fact that we deny

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the existence of such a divine energy in our lives. Sometimes some of us tune into it periodically, when the need arises, for some of us never at all, for most only when a crisis – usually of health – arises and the human form seeks something other than the human conditioning which we are all unwittingly subjected to and innocent of, or when medicine and drugs alone just aren’t ‘cutting the mustard’.
So how does all this relate to IET?
Well – simply put, IET re-connects the mind, body and soul in order to restore the natural equilibrium that sustains life, health and happiness. During an IET treatment the therapist connects into, calls upon, and utilises, that universal divine energy, and channels it with the assistance of the healing angels, through his/her own energy system and into the person being treated. The intention is to release blockages in order to restore and heal the vital internal life force which fuels our bodies, our emotions and our very lives. It provides the environment to allow feelings and emotions to release from the body, from their various points of refuge, so that a deep healing can occur at that site where they are ‘trapped’ – sometimes for years - and so restore the body to a healthy state. Once the body’s energy is unblocked and restored, it can repair and heal itself, bringing about the natural state which the Divine intended for each and every one of us.
IET can be a very spiritual experience for some people, who feel the release acutely, whilst others experience ‘healing without feeling’. It really doesn’t matter what your experience. Anyone who seeks healing in this manner from an IET therapist will – without question, receive it. It can bring about a new consciousness for the person being treated, but most importantly it brings about a new understanding of our lives and our very existence, and the chance for change and a new beginning.
Anyone can talk the talk, but it is only in experiencing the treatment for yourself that you can really say you have ‘walked the walk’. What’s the worst that can happen? You might relinquish those old feelings, emotions or insecurities? Can that be a bad thing? Methinks not, but rather feel it sounds good... I am reminded again of the words of Shakespeare…
‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so’.
William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
Edmond Carroll is the current IET Master Instructor of the Year Worldwide.
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