Earth Energies
Shapeshifts and Timeslips (1204) (Global)
By:Jay Gage
Date: Fri,07 Jul 2023
Submitter:Jay Gage
This adventure happened some years back, when I was hosting a Retreat in Maldon, Essex.
Essex “witch country” a fact that was not lost ......View
We Are Nature (1225) (Global)
By:Pea Horsley
Date: Thu,25 Mar 2021
Submitter:Pea Horsley
We Are Nature
“We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connec......View
Journey of Trees in Oakley Court (6512) (Global)
By:Maria's Universe
Date: Wed,31 May 2017
Last month I had a beautiful chance to celebrate my birthday in a special place near Windsor. I was dreaming of something grand and miracul......View
Connecting with the Mother (8412) (Global)
By:Alyssa Cruise
Date: Wed,08 Mar 2017
Submitter:Alyssa Cruise
The divine feminine, mother, goddess or Earth mother energy is one of beauty. This energy is applicable to both sexes and is n......View
Using your breath to centre yourself (13130) (Global)
By:Alyssa Cruise
Date: Wed,06 May 2015
Submitter:Alyssa cruise (indigo child)
How taking a few deep breaths can help you Centre yourself completely....
Each time we take a deep breath in and then exhale, we are gro......View
Rising with the Mother Earth (12614) (Global)
Date: Sun,14 Dec 2014
Submitter:Adept Yogi
The Primary Initiation of the Mother Earth took place on July 8th, 1964. Since that date all life on Her back has been quickening, and will......View
Awakening The Master Within (8249) (Global)
By:Lynn Morris
Date: Wed,23 Jul 2014
Submitter:Lynn Morris
We are here now in these exciting times of change and planetary evolution, and all around us things are changing on all different levels. O......View
OUR LIVING EARTH (13409) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Tue,15 Apr 2014
Our Earth, this globe is a living being with incarnate power, life and consciousness. It breathes, its heart beats. It is the body of a hig......View
Moon bathing your crystals (11779) (Global)
By:Helen lawson
Date: Sun,16 Feb 2014
Submitter:Helen lawson
Moon Bathing your crystals
The strongest way of cleansing crystals is with the lunar energy of the Full Moon, this is called moon-bathi......View
Poem: Francis of Assisi (8585) (Bristol)
By:Justin Barnard
Date: Sat,18 Jan 2014
Francis of Assisi
Saladin will allow this man only
of all Christians to stay in the Holy Land
now the crusades are over, this lonely
problems for mankind? (10119) (Global)
Date: Tue,25 Sep 2012
Submitter:joseph starman
Joseph is here again with some thoughts on what is being written on the Internet with regards to “End days” and many other things to do wit......View
Easing Ascension Symptoms (10327) (Global)
By:Ryan Greenwood
Date: Mon,14 May 2012
Submitter:Orion Diamond
As our bodies take on more light, we release the old energies, emotions, thoughts, toxins, programming, beliefs, parasites, virus’s and man......View
What is bio energy energy therapy (12392) (Global)
By:lynne ridley
Date: Fri,13 Apr 2012
Submitter:bi-aura school of bio energy therapy
What is Bi-ra Energy Therapy
Seeing is dis-believing!
When I first witnessed this therapy I was incredulous! The therapist moved in flowi......View
A positive response. (10227) (Global)
Date: Thu,12 Apr 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with…. A positive response.
I was looking yesterday to see if there were any comments to my article on “Love bubble......View
The Spirit of Spring (10511) (Global)
By:Nick Shutler
Date: Sun,01 Apr 2012
The Spirit of Spring is upon us. Woodlands carpeted with Snow drops, Hawthorn and Blackthorn profuse and extravagant with scented blossom......View
Topaz (12792) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Thu,08 Dec 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
Dear Wendy: I have just been given a mystic topaz for a present. Can you tell me something about this stone? Jenny, Denver.
Hi Jenny: The ......View
Seeking Buried Treasure (39729) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Mon,21 Nov 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
Hi Wendy, I am interested in dowsing for buried treasure. What is the best method? John
Hello John, There are several techniques, all of......View
Gaia Channeling July 5, 2011 (11393) (Global)
By:Jill Renee
Date: Sun,10 Jul 2011
Submitter:Jill Renee Feeler
Gaia, the consciousness of planet Earth shares how she feels the Ascension process is proceeding, how she is be-ing, and many other insight......View
Worlds Within Worlds (7802) (Global)
By:Cynthia Cano
Date: Mon,30 May 2011
Submitter:Cynthia Cano
Try this out:
* Stand in front of a lake or river or other body of water and drop a pebble into it.
* Observe the ripples.
* Drop ......View
Reforging Ancient Friendships (6769) (Global)
By:Cynthia Cano
Date: Mon,23 May 2011
Submitter:Cynthia Cano
I want you to take the time to go outside and sit in front of a tree that calls to you and think about the following:
How does it look?
What is a Sidhe Seed? (7627) (Global)
By:Cynthia Cano
Date: Thu,12 May 2011
Submitter:Cynthia Cano
What is a Sidhe Seed?
And do I have one?
Every being on this earth has one. Every element has one. It is the seed that has been given t......View
Revitalized Water (16605) (Northamptonshire)
By:John W Richards
Date: Tue,25 Jan 2011
Submitter:John W Richards
Viktor Schauberger had a wonderful understanding of water, the energies of water and how water revitalized itself. Many books have been wri......View
The Golden Flower Of Ascension (9280) (Global)
By:Margaret Hunt
Date: Thu,18 Nov 2010
Submitter:Margaret Hunt
The stones and stone circles are once again calling us at this time as they want to make contact to communicate their wisdom. The stone cir......View
Earth's Transformation (7293) (Global)
By:Jaswinder Challi
Date: Tue,18 May 2010
Submitter:Jaswinder Challi
On April 23rd 2010, I facilitated a Fire Ceremony in aid of Earth Day for Heali......View
Live Life Luckily with Feng Shui (6896) (Global)
By:Ingrid Collins, B Sc (Hons) Psych, Dip Ed Psych, C Psychol, AFBPS, C Sci, FhmSTASH, FSSA
Date: Tue,06 Apr 2010
Submitter:Ingrid Collins
Quick Bio: (Article underneath)
Ingrid Collins, FSSA, an Accredited Feng Shui Master, is a founder member and currently on the National ......View
The Universe is effortless (7571) (Global)
By:Don Hanson
Date: Fri,02 Apr 2010
Submitter:Tim Melling
“The Universe is effortless”
The American Don Hanson offers a special form of energy work in which he tunes into the person opposite him......View
Is Ayers Rock Cursed? (12887) (Essex)
By:Linda Preston
Date: Sat,11 Jul 2009
Ayers Rock in Uluru National Park, Australia, has long been regarded as a sacred monument to the native Aboriginal people of the country.
How to Heal at a Distance (11678) (Global)
Date: Tue,07 Oct 2008
Is someone that you love unwell physically or emotionally? Would you love to help heal their body or spirit but they are many miles away fr......View