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It has come to my knowledge and my attention that all messages here are full of sweetness and light, no matter who the message is from, and although the upheavals of this world are mentioned, they are mentioned in a sweet sugary way, no one seems to get straight to the point, is it enough to just pray for these people who witness disasters first hand? Is it enough to send aid to help? Yes these things will help, of course they will, but if people everywhere changed their lives around and thought more of others before disaster strikes, things might begin to change. All messages refer to the Ascension we are now in as the perfect thing, all people reading this material also think this the perfect thing, discussing it as if it is truly understood, but no one truly understands what is going on, how can anyone understand something that has never occurred before in their lifetime?
This Ascension is truly God sent, of that there is no doubt, but why does it have to be? Why now do we have to go through this transformation and see it as the most wonderful thing ever when we were at this point in the first place? This Ascension should not be necessary, there is talk of going into the light, of now being able to reach the light that has been too far away in the past to reach, and most people think they actually can and do reach this amazing truth, but this light and all that goes with it is as far away as it ever was to the people of this planet. All messages received today tell us we are touching more and more truth, we are doing this and that, we are having waves coming to us and that most of us already reach these higher dimensions, this only proves that the information received is coloured by the people receiving it, this is exactly what people want to hear, they do not want to hear that they can’t reach this light that is promised, they believe that this light and everything that goes with it is within easy reach, it is not.
This Ascension was set for this time because it was known that man would just about ruin everything in front of him, this was seen by the higher beings, who working for God, agreed to help in instigating it when this right moment came, that moment is now here, we are not causing the Ascension, we are the cause of the Ascension, we are the reason this Ascension is taking place, it is to save us from ourselves.
People the world over are excited that this now is taking place, people talk of it and say they experience it, people believe they are helping this to come forward with words that do not really reveal the truth, as the truth is not known, this Ascension has been instigated by the creator because this world is dying, this is the only way to save the world and the people on it, it is not enough to be talking in terms no one understands just because others talk this way, it is about understanding, it is about learning the truth, it is about accepting that we as a people, and that is all of us, are responsible for the state of this world we live in, and to talk in a sugary way and say love and light after everything repeated from others will not get us to where we are suppose to be.
This Ascension needs to be taken seriously, everyone needs to accept they do not know what is really happening, or how it will be revealed, all the courses in the world will not help you if you have not prepared yourself within, the courses being run today will not change your own truth, they will not give you a light that is only available through the course you are sitting on, there is no healing today that will change anything within you, whether you pay larges amounts for it or not.
In short, no one on this planet can do for you what needs to be done through the creator, the God power, and as this is lacking greatly on this planet today there is a long way to go, there is no instant cure, there is no course that will bring you into contact with the highest beings who will wave their magic sword of blue light, it is up to you all as individuals to stop following all people who for one reason or another think they know more than you, they do not.
The Ascension is happening, and in the not too distant future proof that the God power is working for you will be given, you will all have the chance to see this or yourselves, you will all have an equal opportunity to learn and understand things that will in truth lead you forward, things will be told to you that you will not be able to deny, so powerful will they be, and then you will all be able to put aside all the things you thought would help you for the things that really will.
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