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What is it that you yearn for? It is inside of you. What is it that stirs you and burns you and stews you? It is inside of you. This is the greatest importance for you to understand at this time, for you continue and continue and continue to seek outside of yourself for that which you desire. This is the trap that has kept you limited for eons and this is what has to change. This is what is changing and you can choose to be part of the solution in this realization. But by old patterning and ease of responsibility and simple effortlessness, you choose external focus. It is time now to realize the fullness of who you are and not just follow rhetoric and empty concepts to keep the falsehood alive. You are the dynamic, omniscient, creative, power of the Divine and you have the solution to what ails you - you are what you are looking for, you are the answer.
Breathe the truth of this inside of you, into every cell of your being. It is time to let go of all that holds you back from this truth – every small thought, every self doubt, every limited belief, every judgement, every withholding, every “who, me?” thought. Enough stalling, get on with it! When you get over your ego’s way with you, you can rest in the depths of inner knowing of who you are and what you are to do at any moment. You are no longer attached to the trappings of your external life, for your internal life is the truth, the way and the light. Your internal, “still, small voice within” becomes your GPS system for everything. Create a deep loving relationship with it that never defers to an external temptation and you cannot go wrong. You will forever be guided by the truth of your heart and you will no longer be contributing to the old wayward patterns that got us here in the first place. It will be done. God’s will – your true will – that is!
When you witness the external miscreations of humanity - the illness, the fears, the greediness and lack, the poverty and senseless destruction of war - be a beacon of nonjudgemental light that commands compassion and forgiveness for our past errs. Contribute to the creation of the new way by emanating only love, peace, understanding and grace, knowing that it is who you really are. Reach out your hand in response to all who seek your help. All yearn to be recognized and yet it is they who must recognize themselves as children of God, imbued with the same power that is sought. You are not powerless. You are the greatest power of all: LOVE. They will recognize themselves in you.
So why is there so much self-doubt? This is the illusion of the old keeping us down like an old heavy, dark wool coat that used to protect us, but now only weighs us down and covers our light. It is time to shed that coat. Haven’t you noticed it made you itch and sweat anyway?! You are the shepherd who no longer needs to wear lamb’s wool. You are a Shepherd of Light.
Do not allow the self-doubting, fearful voice to live inside of you anymore. Connect to your heart centre and do not sway from its loving guidance. Stay there and dedicate your life to the constant calibration of its eminence, for this is the open door that cannot be shut. This is the light of the world; this is the solution to all that concerns you. Go within and nurture this place so that it abundantly, radiantly, effortlessly spills out – glows – from you. This is your purpose. This is the way. And when anything comes up in your experience that appears like a challenge or confrontation or complication, command greater love from your heart and watch the miracle that unfolds. Big Love breeds big change and miracles that before were inconceivable, but now are a commonplace outcome of commanding Big Love. Remember, this is who you are, so it will become you effortlessly when you dump the old coat and shine the truth of who you already are.
It is the small ego that must shout to the hills; it is the shepherd who is already walking silently, radiantly, upon them.
With love and abundant blessings in all ways, we are
The Council of Light That is Within You
(This message was written for and discussed on the Discovering Nature’s Spirit blogtalk radio program hosted by Laura Rose of The Purple Rose Healing Center in Tarriffville, Connecticut, USA, on August 15, 2011.)
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