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By Glyn Edwards
Complied & with an Introduction by Santoshan
(see for more details)
I once gave a series of three sittings to a couple who had never been involved in mediumship or Spiritualism before. They had lost their nineteen year old daughter, who was their only child. I found this young woman in the spirit to be one of the most objective communicators I had ever worked with. She was joyful, enthusiastic and delighted that she could communicate through me to her parents with both ease and precision. The parents were equally delighted with the evidence and communication that the daughter was able to give. As the medium, I was obviously pleased with the daughter’s ability to communicate so naturally. It was for me as though we had known each other all our lives. The communication between us felt so alive. She gave facts about her personality, understanding of life and how for no known reason as far as medical science could ascertain, her heart had stopped and she passed to the spirit world.
After the second sitting, the daughter asked if the parents would be willing to see a medium who was also a psychic artist, who was coming to the area in a few weeks’ time. The daughter asked me to promise not to say anything about her communication with me to the visiting psychic artist. I obviously made this promise. The parents booked a sitting with the medium under assumed names and went to see her. As their sitting began, the medium started to draw and spoke about having a young girl present and said that she was about eighteen or nineteen years old and that she had promised through another medium to endeavour to come and be drawn at this sitting. The parents informed the medium that this was correct.
As the medium began to draw and the drawing started to take shape, it started to show more and more of the exact likeness of the daughter. During this sitting the daughter mentioned various things that I had also given as evidence to the parents, such as how she had died, that she was at university at the time and so on. Interestingly I had previously given the parents the daughter’s Christian name, whereas the psychic artist gave her second name. Yet in the last sitting I gave the parents, the daughter repeated her second name several times, which I had not known before.
For the parents, the sittings that both the psychic artist and I had given them, amounted to what they described as ‘incontrovertible evidence’. For them, they both felt and knew beyond doubt that their daughter had survived death and that they would meet her again in another life.
This series of sittings I gave the parents showed me that those in the spirit world are both enthusiastic and happy to prove their survival to those they love. As mediums we are merely their mouth piece. Mediumship itself is about learning to become the instrument through which spirit personalities, such as the sitters’ daughter, are able to communicate.
Psychic and mediumistic powers have manifested in many of the inspiring spiritual traditions of both the East and West. They have been experienced in numerous mystical and spiritual states of awareness and are common to many people. Powers that we call psychic have no boundaries. Whether they manifest mediumistically, artistically or as pure intuition, they exist in an infinite variety of forms and can possess great value in the different ways they manifest.
The intuitive self, the knower that knows the unknown, the shaman that sees into the vision quest, the yogi that develops the siddhis (miraculous powers), the seer that sees into the possible, the sensitive who has the ability to communicate with many levels of life and with those that we

Glyn Edwards
love, will all come to discover that there are no limitations in the various powers they possess. They are all facets of our true spirit Selves.
Much has been written about psychic and mediumistic phenomena. Some writers believe that psychic and mediumistic abilities are detrimental to various areas of spiritual life. But this is only true if they are developed at the expense of spiritual awareness and practices of compassion, kindness, inclusiveness, unity, discernment and other attributes of a spiritual life and consciousness. Others believe that mediumship is a spiritual gift, separate from the psychic aspect of our nature. Some teachers of mediumship tell us that it is higher than psychic realms of knowledge – an altogether finer vibration that is separate from psychic abilities.
Yet if we look closely at mediumship, it becomes clear that it is a facet of our psychic being and is not necessarily a spiritual power if used in isolation from other areas of unfoldment. Like any other abilities we have, the responsibility of making mediumistic paths spiritual forces for good is down to us as individuals. In reality mediumship works through the same internal mechanisms of perception that we use to perceive regular physical life.
From one perspective, we see that the unfoldment of mediumship by itself does not require us to awaken to recognized qualities of spirituality. To become in tune with spiritual realms of life and action needs individual commitment and a deeper understanding of the Divinity of all. These points are made not to discredit the views of others, but to emphasize that our spiritual growth is in our own hands. Even though any effort we are prepared to make spiritually will attract corresponding influences that will enhance our unfoldment, it is still up to us to take the first step.
There is much that we still do not understand about the human mind and how to awaken to different realms of our spiritual nature. In the past we may have been influenced in our thinking by the beliefs of others. Now we must take the opportunity to discover for ourselves their truth or falsehood. There are problems in trying to distinguish too sharply between inspirational and intuitive knowledge, the psychic, the mediumistic and the spiritual, the prophet and the activist, the mystic and the seer, as there is no clear point where one of them ends and another begins. All have their origins in our being and are expressions of an interactive whole, which consists of our spirit, minds, feelings and bodies. All are but a flowing towards a discovery of the infinite potential in all.
These powers that manifest in our unfoldment are simply a means by which we can demonstrate that there is something beyond ordinary physical realms of experience.
GLYN EDWARDS is internationally recognized as one of the UK’s greatest mediums and teachers of spiritual and psychic science. At sixteen he joined a Benedictine community. He later became a protégée of the renowned medium, Gordon Higginson, and founded The Gordon Higginson Fellowship. He is a certificate holder of The Spiritualists’ National Union, has been a regular and highly popular senior course tutor at the esteemed Arthur Findlay College for over three decades and has run workshops and demonstrated his mediumship throughout the world for over 40 years. He has co-authored popular development manuals (‘The Spirit World in Plain English’ and ‘Spirit Gems’) with the spiritual author Santoshan/Stephen Wollaston, recorded various teaching CDs and was given the name Devadasa (meaning servant of God) by the UK yoga master, Swami Dharmananda Saraswati Maharaj. He is particularly known for the quality of his teaching and his ability to demonstrate his mediumship almost effortlessly in front of large audiences.
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