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Got this from the
Telegraph. How appropriate.
Now it's Comrade Brown
Has anyone noticed how we are having the word “Recession” rammed down our throats? It’s as though there isn’t a recession but there is every determination with the powers-that-be that we are going to have one, like it or not. Every TV and radio channel now uses the ‘R’ word, ensuring that we fall into the psychological state of believing that there is lack rather than plenty – or enough.
It’s an age-old trick, designed to create fear so that the flock can be brought to heel and power is restored. It’s a far cry from the marketplace mentality where bartering with real money for a tangible product brings about a satisfactory deal. Today the money is in the ether somewhere and if all businesses and individuals decided to cash in their investments and savings, then there wouldn’t be enough to settle even ten per cent of the value.
This is a numbers game and there have been some real greedy people gambling with figures that are based around a borrowing and lending system. The corruption in the commercial world has now tipped and the get-out clause is being implemented world-wide. The humble tax payer and investor are once again relied upon to pull the governments, who have been sucked into this vortex, out of the mire.
Now they have gone too far and there is simply no balance sheet to justify what these ‘criminals’ are doing. A £250,000 house three months ago is now selling for less than £170,000. Huge losses like this, sustained by the ordinary man and woman, is what the powers-that-be are hoping for in the hope that ‘invisible’ money floating somewhere out there can be marked down so that it can reflect an amount nearer to what would exist in a material sense.
I’ll leave the rest of this mess for the experts to explain because I would like you all to join me in looking for ways where a situation like this can be turned to our advantage. Awareness of what is happening is the first key which will open the door for other things to follow. Talking and communicating with others about how all this has come about is the next stage and then standing up and doing something about it will, I promise you, scare the hell out of the establishment.
We are meant to believe everything that we are told and never to question it. The establishment does not like us asking ‘Why?’ This one word is so powerful because it forces, in fact demands, answers. At the moment public apathy is the greatest weapon the authorities can have. They rely on the populace not asking why but to simply accept the situation and suffer it.
In times like these when there is less disposable income, we tend to spend more time at home. This is tantamount to being placed in a cage where they can shout at us and try to brainwash us. It’s all very subtle. There is all the technology at your so-called disposal whereby any message can be transmitted to you via the media channels and newspapers and magazines. The problem, unfortunately, is that most folk actually believe what they are being told. This so-called culture is then hammered further by the realistic dramas and adventures that we witness in movies and on TV.
I believe that early next year will be quite a good time for the release of my co-written novel “The Meadow.” If people are going to have more time on their hands with very little money to keep them occupied then they will also have time to think a lot more about the situation surrounding them. This novel is written in such a way as to plant that seed of curiosity and get you thinking about all sorts of things that are not normally appropriate to the society and culture that we are familiar with today.
Enough said and my apologies for mentioning that ‘R’ word which is really the reason why I have written this article in the first place.
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