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Jude Currivan PhD
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Hello and welcome to the Spirit network radio show with your host, Mark Chatterton. Today I would like to welcome onto the show, Dr Jude Currivan, who is an acclaimed healer, cosmologist and astrologer. Jude has written five books, some of which we will be discussing during the interview. She has also travelled widely, visiting many ancient sites all over the world. She is also one of those rare academics, who also has a strong belief in the spiritual. So a warm welcome to you, Jude.
Dr Jude Currivan PhD is a cosmologist, planetary healer, international award-winning Hay House author, visionary and educator.
HOPE - Healing Our People & Earth
As a cosmologist and healer, Dr Jude Currivan has journeyed to nearly 70 countries around the world and has explored and studied numerous important sacred sites and places of conflict. "HOPE" shares her understanding and experiences of the energetic connections between people and places from a spiritual perspective which is informed and expanded by leading edge science. "HOPE" investigates too how different groups and countries reflect and embody the same themes and issues that we experience on an individual human level. It reveals how the history of different areas of conflict around the world and our collective fear-based behaviours are based on traumas that we have energetically continued to resonate with - and crucially how to heal and release them. "HOPE" also shows the cosmic connection between astrological influences and the 'bigger picture' of what is unfolding, and explores why 2012 is so synchronistically destined to offer us the breakthrough of a shift of collective consciousness - if, as the Mayans say, we choose to do so.
If we start by going back to your early years, you first encountered the world of Spirit when you were a little girl. Can you tell us a little of that experience.
You then went to Oxford where you studied physics, before gaining a PhD in Archaeology. Was it hard merging your spiritual beliefs with what you were discovering in Science? Or did you find that everything you knew spiritually, fitted in eventually with the science?
For much of the 1980s and 90s you worked as an accountant travelling the world, but by the mid 1990s, you changed your career. What was it that made you change direction?
Moving onto to your writing, I wanted to ask you about your book, the 8th Chakra, which you describe as the bridge between our ego-based perception and our higher awareness. Can you explain this concept

in a little more detail?
Before you wrote The 8th Chakra, you took part in a series of journeys to sacred places around the world over a period of five years. The story of your journey was published as the book, The 13th Step. Your mission was to activate 12 Soular discs at these ancient sites. I know we can’t go into too much detail, but you visited such countries as Egypt, Australia, China, Peru, Hawaii and England. What would you say were the highlights of this sacred journey?
Last year, you brought out your latest book, HOPE, which is subtitled, Healing Our People and Earth. It’s a book which looks in detail at the current situation in several countries as we approach 21st December 2012. You mention specific countries like the USA, the UK, China, Japan and Israel. Can you say why you chose these countries and not others?
In HOPE, you say that both the USA and the UK are the most divided countries in the world. What do you mean by this?
Currently, we’re on the verge of the Olympics starting here in Britain. Why Britain and what is the opportunity here for Britain as the rest of the world focuses on it?
Let’s talk about the weather as we Brits do! We’ve had so many extremes of weather, not just in Britain, but all over the world, what on earth is going on?
All this wet weather we’ve had in Britain over the past few months. Some see it as a re-balancing for all the dry periods of weather we’ve had, whilst others see it as a type of cleansing or washing of the land. What’s your take on this?
Another subject you discuss in HOPE is that of money. Isn’t the real problem with what’s going on in the world money, as that seems to be the root cause of so many ills in the world?
If you had the choice between the re-distribution of money and the complete removal of money, which would you choose?
You live in Wiltshire, not far from Avebury and Silbury Hill. Is that what attracted you to the area?
There’s been crop circles in Wiltshire for many years now. They’ve been increasing in design and complexity. What are your thoughts on who is creating them, as many people listening are confused about which are man-made and which are genuine?
You briefly mention extra-terrestrials in some of your books. Do you believe that we were visited by aliens in the past and are still being visited by them?
Perhaps the most important question I’m going to ask you is how you see the significance of the date 21st December 2012?
Finally, what else have you got lined up for the rest of 2012, as you seem so busy?
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