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closing chakras
Closing Chakras
When the task for which you have prepared is over, such as a aura or chakra cleansing for instance, then it is important to ensure that the chakras are then closed. The chakras open as we 'give out' or 'receive' energy and we must remember to close them again afterwards to help conserve strength.
Imagine each chakra is a flower in full bloom. Gently allow it to close its petals one by one. You can do this with each chakra, starting from the base and working up to the crown. In fact, this is a very good exercise to carry out as part of an on-going routine maintenance programme for both your aura and chakra systems.
Another method you can use is to visualize each of your chakras as a camera shutter, then like a camera eye adjust it to let different amounts of light in this way you can modify your chakra openings to let energy in. Play around with these methods and see what works best for you.
Remember the chakras are constantly in a state of rotation. This is why they are called "chakra" which in Sanskrit means "wheel". It is their rotating which attracts energy and draws it in or gives it off, depending on the direction of the rota

yin and yang
tion. According to the author 'Shalila Sharamon and Bodo J Baginski, the chakras rotate either to the right (clockwise) or to the left, depending on sex, thus enabling the energies of man and woman to complement each other. This is because the chakras that turn to the right in a man rotate in the opposite direction in a woman and vice versa. Every clockwise rotation is primarily male, or in accordance with Chinese teaching, Yang, in nature, meaning that it represents willpower and activity as well as more negative characteristics of aggression and force. Every counter clockwise rotation is female or Yin in nature, and represents receptiveness and agreement, as well as the more negative characteristic of weakness.
The chakra system is more complex than most people realize, however most agree that our 7 main chakras are the ones that most healers work with although it is now known that there are a few people developing their higher chakras although at the present time there is not a lot written about the 8,9th, 10, 11, 12th and 13th chakras. If you do work with these higher chakras and have a good understanding of them I would love to hear from you.
Luna Holsitics
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