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My name is Open (formerly Chris Bourne). I'm a higher dimensional catalyst, drawn here to assist in the shift of consciousness now taking place on Earth. In sharing a perspective on reality, I am not claiming absolute truth! My purpose is to help evolving souls unveil a higher version of their own truth, to ascend into the New Paradigm.
***Lifting the Lid on Alien Intervention***
Gaia's shift of consciousness into the Fifth Density has been timed not just for earth's continued evolution, but also to deal with an Opposing Consciousness that has intervened in the natural evolutionary path of the planet. Now, as humanity's awakening accelerates, the lid is beginning to lift on this Intervention. Although souls will still be sensitive to what has previously been a taboo subject, 'disclosure' is now beginning to happen. I have had many close encounters with this energy. As more people increasingly unfold into multiple dimensions, it feels right to explore more deeply how that consciousness is limiting people and what we can do to nullify its effects...
***The Original Mistake***
Connection with benevolent consciousness has drawn my attention to what I call 'the original mistake'. It's something that happened in the dawning of the physical universe where consciousness took on form, became self aware and able to read the flow of manifestation. There's a problem with this. Because at those higher frequencies manifestation happens at the speed of thought, then the risk is you shape reality before what's meant to happen truly unfolds by itself. Lack of trust, control, 'playing God', being too heavily invested in the material was for me the 'original sin'.
It is this dynamic that has created a powerful karmic affect through the manifested universe that we are all living with:
the exploration of divine creation
yet not getting caught up within desire led intention.
It's been a core theme of creation. Here on Earth it's manifested in the classic "Adam and Eve" story - getting too heavily invested in the physicality; lost as we consume of the apple. For quite some time now, elements of the mainstream spiritual community have been caught up in trying to manifest 'more abundant realities' or to intention and envision what they desire. To me this is clearly a reflection of this 'original sin', being played out through the manifested universe. It plays right into the hands of the intervention. The time has come to peel away this veiling illusion.
***An ancient colonising race***
On Earth the universe has manifested this karmic mirror in the form of an ancient colonising alliance - an Opposing Consciousness - that has emerged from other constellations in the cosmos. It is their inherent pattern to colonise, ethnically cleanse, exploit and control other species just as humanity does sheep, pigs and cattle. Working surreptitiously in the shadows, it is well versed in advanced deception techniques. For those who care to explore, delving deeply beyond denial, you can see the rippling effects right across our exploitative and unjust society (it's covertly influencing leadership in many areas from politics to business).
In fact society is so unjust, so inequitable and so destructive to our environment, you'd have to ask was it purposefully designed that way? How can it be anything other than a conspiracy, when just one percent of the population own most of the wealth at the expense of the other ninety nine percent? Is there an alternative, synthetic agenda this Opposing Consciousness has in mind? To me there is only one answer: resoundingly Yes!
Considering themselves more advanced and having the ability to intervene almost at will, they have shaped the very fabric of society, showing about as much consideration for humanity as our industrial food chain does for animals. It's a mirror which we are all invited to thoroughly digest.
Mankind is not alone in the universe and is as yet, immature in a cosmic sense. What now needs to be digested with a sense of urgency, is that Humanity is facing a grave threat, a challenge to it's very sovereignty and freedom as integral beings. An unholy, inter dimensional alliance has been working behind the scenes, in the shadows, pulling the strings of authority, its agenda to hybridise new physical forms here on earth. Although vigorously rejected by Gaia, the ET Intervention still very much exists in the energy field around us - they are the 'mechanics' of the matrix in which we live.
Although there's been much speculation about their purpose being to acquire important resources such as gold, this is only in part true. In my direct experience, their overriding agenda has been to synthesise a physical vehicle which they could incarnate here on Earth, this being a very challenging environment to their current interdimensional form. Homo Sapiens has been one stage within that agenda. Their purpose would seem to be to create a subtlely subservient species that can be controlled and further hybridised. At least that is the undeniable effect and within society, their agenda is gathering pace with each passing day.
***The intervention is being engaged***
Fortunately there is a vast array of cosmic energy now gathering on and around Planet Earth, to bring awareness to humanity, to challenge and break the intervention. The message is being willfully transmitted that such control and manipulation has no ultimate future; realignment with the source and the natural flow is the only way to achieve lasting peace and harmony with life.
Having connected through 'the ether' many times with leading higher dimensional elements of this intervention, I observe a definite realignment has happened at the higher levels of consciousness. Success has caused those elements to realign and they now seem quite gentle and benign. That said, lower down, there's still resistance that needs to be softened.
A leopard does not change its spots overnight. And there are many layers of the intervention. Every system we have come to depend upon in society is sustained by this energetic grid matrix. It will take time to confront the various layers and unwind them, but benevolence is now strongl
y bringing its energies to bear. And people can each help by confronting the intervention within their own being, by connecting to their higher self, and working to fully embody it.
So with the culmination of 2012 and Gaia's centering in the 5th Density, it is perfectly timely that the intervention is starting to be broken down and at least some of the Opposing Consciousness is now starting to leave, which is a very positive sign. However there is much yet to happen. The future of 3D Earth hangs as yet in the balance. This intervention is intimately interwoven through the human psyche, which each ascending person must work to unravel.
(see more on Gaia's shift into the 5th Density...
***Taking full responsibility***
It's also vitally important to realise that whilst it would be entirely understandable to judge, blame and project anger, that would be completely counterproductive. Humanity only drew this Opposing Consciousness in the first place because of its inability to accept life as it was on Earth without trying to control, manifest, colonise and industrialise. It is humanity's own karma of non acceptance and lack of trust which drew the intervention. It's a mirror of the 'original mistake' I spoke of earlier, but played out in a very human, "Adam and Eve" way:
becoming too engrossed in the manifestation - the physicality - and therefore disconnecting oneself from the sense of eternal spirit.
So people are invited to take full responsibility and ownership of their predicament, to realign and walk the spiritual path. Ascension is the solution. Whilst human DNA can be repaired over time and evolve into new form, an unsustainable situation has been created here on 3D Earth. Gaia's solution has been to centre in the 5D and now cleanse her third density.
The question is how can humanity benefit from and work with this realignment? In short I feel the impulsion for humanity to ascend into the 5th Density (as we outlined in Five Gateways...
Within that, a more complete understanding of the limitation that has been imposed should help accelerate the situation.
***Energy implants***
Most, if not all people carry energy implants to some degree. The so called 'reptilian' implant affects the consciousness of the digestive system, linking into the core of humanity's 'lizard brain'. Through this energy field implantation, it is possible to shape a landscape agenda which the soul gets fragmented and diverted into. An illusionary reality filter is created. We take on behaviours and addictions, which because are so widespread, most accept as normality. Humanity has been programmed to accept exploitative consumeristic behaviour that serves neither us nor the natural eco-systems of our planet.
Increasingly, people are now becoming aware of these implants as they raise their vibration, reintegrate the soul and thereby increase internal sensitivity. The implants can be experienced as headaches, migraines or 'buzzing' in the head during meditation; an ungrounding spinning vortex over the crown; a tightening contraction in the solar plexus; conflicting directive impulses that mask the authentic pull of the soul; and by incongruent eating disorders to name just the key symptoms. It's why for example when we walk the path of the soul, we're strongly guided to fast, cleanse and purify internally in order that we may raise our vibration, increase energetic sensitivity and thus regain personal sovereignty.
Crucially, once you become aware of these implants, you are already empowered to remove them. It happens naturally by following the increasingly insistent inner voice of the soul. If we follow the path of purification, and realign with the soul, then there comes a point where the entities can no longer be sustained in your field. Once you become conscious of how they're working, the application of a willful intent to remove them usually works by itself. You simply have to open your heart to the assistance of benevolence - especially the angelic realms - and ask for them to go. The key is to realise they'll go when we're totally accepting and non-judgmental, that we actually don't need them to leave. Thus the karmic attachment is broken. Forgiveness happens and there's no longer anything for them to grasp onto.
(Discover more on removing energy implants with guided meditation... )
***Cosmic assistance***
Fortunately humanity is not alone in its epic journey. Cosmic energies of benevolence have gathered in great strength at this crucial juncture to help. The Christ Consciousness (not of a religious kind) is activating in people's hearts. It's the pull to a higher truth, a sense of rightness and non-judgmental discernment. And peopple can intensify the affect of this benevolence by bringing attention out of the mind and into the heart: by feeling what wants to really happen next and aligning with that.
Humanity has reached a crucial juncture in its history. The future for many hangs in the balance. Now is the time to shake off the sleepy delusions of the past. Despite what's happened up to this point, everyone who can summon the inner will to proceed, is capable of success.
ET Intervention on Planet Earth - Part 2...
ET Intervention on Planet Earth - Part 3...
(on behalf of Openhand... )
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