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In October 2010 I had a beautiful, unforgettable experience I want to share with you. It took place in Jackson, Wyoming where I was participating in a healing and wellness festival.
My husband and I were out for dinner, waiting in the restaurant’s bar for our table to be ready. I looked around the restaurant and noticed a face that looked familiar. I felt so connected to this man that he could have been a dear and much-loved family member. I looked to the person sitting next to him, and I had the same reaction. I started scanning this busy, crowded place and realized that everyone, every soul there, looked like someone I knew and loved and had always had a beautiful connection with. I felt connected to everyone I could see. I "knew" them. I "saw" them. I was not separate from any of them. I was One with All and it felt like nothing I can adequately describe with words.
I sat in that bliss, enjoying it and stretching time to make it last. I never wanted it to end.
I have asked my guides and Higher Self to help me always have that connection, that sense of no separation with others, that sense of One with All. It is not as profound as it was in that moment but it definitely changed my experience here as Jill permanently, and for the better.
There is a bit of a downside. In communications with people I have never "met" in the physical form, I tend to take on that energy of familiarity, of dear family. Some "get it" and respond in kind -- bless your hearts. Others don't get it and I can feel them energetically pull away -- one of the downsides of being psychic, as well. My ego becomes embarrassed with the situation. Thank goodness these outcomes are pretty infrequent. But, oh well. I give that sweet ego-ic, part of me a big hug and tell her everything is ok (smile). If it is in the flow, maybe I will at some point meet and connect with that person on terms that are more to their liking, or maybe not.
I now ask the higher realms for assistance and guidance to be provided to anyone interested in this kind of ongoing experience, this feeling of complete heart connection to All. Do yo
u see how significantly things will change here on our beautiful Gaia when more and more of us are having this level of heart and soul connection with All? Considering this on a global scale, I view this expansion as a key ingredient in the recipe to reduce, dare I say eliminate, war, violence, corruption, deceit, jealousy, arrogance, etc. When I feel that you are a part of me, it wouldn’t even occur to me to be dishonest, to feel jealousy, to steal from you, to take your life, to have any malicious intent against you, to consider you as anything less than Divine because from this vibration You are Me and I am You. It is unity consciousness in its purest form. And it is pure love.
Do you see how it starts with you, that you don't need to change anyone else to make this transition, this huge shift in your journey?
I feel this kind of shift is possible only after sufficient clearing takes place, where you finally let go of any remaining fears, insecurities, and all the trappings of separation you perceive between you and others.
When combined with deep and stable knowing that you are a unique expression of Divine Creator, these clearings allow an unobstructed, firm pathway to you raising your vibration and upgrading your experience in this journey in ways that often surpass your dreams.
I'm not overstating it. There is so much energetic assistance to get you to move with lightning speed away from your false identities and straight into the loving arms of your Higher Self. So, if you want a hand getting this done, look in your heart, right now. Can you feel it? Can you feel the personal assistance being offered to you right now? The choice is yours and it comes with no expiration date. Ready when you need it, no conditions, no terms. You're still in the driver seat, with all the free will you had before. You just get your navigational system re-installed. Enjoy the Ride!
Love and blessings,
Jill Renee
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