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This is the first publication of channeled messages i have received, here is the most recent on 17/03/20. I began receiving channeling after the 10/10/19 portal energy, while journalling consistantly since my twin flame heart activation a year ago. I am writing a book entitled 'The Light Within - Recovery of an Empath' where I unpack codependancy and narcissism, addiction, the empath and inner child wounds, combined with exercises in raising our vibration as light workers, healers and twin flames. Through this deep inner work i have connected to guidance from the Elohim - a higher council of light, who are coming through to those who tune in, to help humanity and the planet through this current wave of awakening.
We must let go of the language of pain. The things we tell ourselves of the limits of our bodies, we create this reality through our choices. What if it was easier to disassociate yourself from the time frames of your current life. Would you choose another way of being? What if there was a discourse on what is possible and what is fruitful, or what is a disciplined way of being that serves humanity better, with more grace and diligence in silent offerings rather than chatter of the mind. That all would be well if this one thing was a new way of consciousness for all of humanity. What would this look like to you in your earth bound reality ? Salvation, spiritual sacrifice, what would you offer in exchange for wisdom and freedom ? What would you accept as gracious fair exchange for your offering ? Time has no constraints in this world we are talking about.
Anchor in the knowing of what you are about, even if it seems strange, the language is new, for you are about to receive great wisdom and knowing coming to you, chosen one. One of many, you know now, like a tide, you are all turning time, turning away from past paradigms of lost will and fragmented holographic, hollow forms of light messages seeded in old writings. This will be the way to see the new beginning coming in, like curtains drawn on a new morning. Abundance offered to all who slumber, who might see it in their awakening.
All are drifting. It is not time for panic, despite the fear nation rising. You must learn to ignore them, for they only have power when you see them and feed them. They will disperse to darker corners once again, in time, when you and your peoples have learnt how to manifest the great calling in of trumpeteers of angelic realms, soothing, calming Mother Nature's storms. Do you not hear it now, calling in the great prophecies of doom and destruction. You do not want to hear it - yes. But they are coming anyway, as this is all part of the plan, dear one, yes. Do not fear distruction, it is only a riding wave, it is not the end of all. There is nothing coming that you cannot handle, you and your friends, your fellow light workers. You can join with the ones who you know are awake.
It is not uncommon to have ways - threads of existance - between different creatures not of this planet, and yet morphing in hollow self into the pictures you present to the world as honour and duty, respectability. This is no lie, merely a disagreement between fundamentally profound beings and their earth creature hosts on this plateau. Water creatures need the light but breathe not the air. Air creatures need water too, earth creatures need light and water. The water is the Divine in reflection of soul purpose. All is not lost but found beyond the trinity, the duality, in oneness, whole with the One, the lord and master Sun, of God. Do not attempt to cross the water before you have learnt the power of the vessel, the vesica of Christ energy, coming into human consciousness now at this time. Do not fear it overwhelming you earth being, for you are a vessel, sacred in knowledge and deed. Some say the coming of a higher order is greatly overdue, but we say it is all in good time. For none will rise to meet him if they cannot see.
It is time for brothers and sisters to come together in harmonious union with God, Source, a higher union than ever known before. All will not despair but delight in a new found way of love, and tears of joy and creation and release of the old and unworthy ways of being. Bringing light to all now. Go forth, now is the time of plenty before the famine. The relief will be found when you enter into unity with Source Light, and know there is no hunger, for all are satiated and satisfied, fulfilled in the light of love ever after, evermore. No more pain body, just light and love, in crystaline dimensions beyond the planet and your comprehension. But you will know in time, right time.
All is well, do not forget to sleep and rest well, for all that is coming is not known to you yet, and travels far on universal beams of energy from a galactic force field entwining with your own to help save your planet from rude awakening. We want harmonious ascension and peaceful awakening, to not traumatise the souls of the many. Blue light waves, sound waves, resonance heal the body, heal the Earth.
If you would like to contact me, i dont do any social media at present
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