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Not that many years ago we were assured that UFOs can’t be real because they were only ever seen by isolated farmers in Arkansas. Try telling that to the thousands of residents in the area around the town of Esquel in the mountainous Chubut province of Argentina: They witnessed no less that three fiery objects light up the sky and travel across their horizons last Saturday night (14-2-2009).
The event stunned locals so much that amazed policemen stopped cars on the road and asked the drivers if they too saw the object.
The director of the local Astronomical observatory, Robert Figueroa, has confirmed the event and thinks that it might have been either meteors or satellites breaking up.
Local head of police, Ramon Gotero, also confirmed that officers under his command had seen the ‘fireballs’ streak across the sky.
The sight was witnessed by commuters, local fisherman and tourists. One witness, a Mr Juan Monges, who was driving at the time saw the object come from behind a truck that was moving towards him. ‘It lit the sky as if it was day’ he commented.
The strangest thing about all of this is that this was not the first such event in the locality in recent days and preceding sightings, some with multiple witnesses, are more difficult to explain away with the meteor or satellite theory.
A larger number of tourists visiting the Activity Centre at ‘La Hoya Mountain’ near Esquel have come forward saying that in the middle of the week they saw a luminous object just sitting in the sky above them for a couple of minutes before vanishing.
Also days prior to the mass sighting a council worker, Horacio Bordon, who was driving between Esquel and Tecka claims he and his family saw four discs fly to the side of their vehicle. He managed to take a photo of the event which can be seen here.
Something strange seems to be happening in the mountainous regions of Argentina and many believe a UFO base hides somewhere in the area. Of course the objects seen on Saturday night may well have been meteors or breaking up satellites. Or perhaps these theories are just the latest version of the old line about Arkansas farmers, now that it can no longer be used: Highly convincing explanations designed to conceal from humans the real events occurring in the skies above them.
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