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I came across these powerful and dynamic words on a slip of paper I found at home which I must have copied some time ago and was forcefully struck by so many meanings relevant to them chief of which was of course do what you can now, in this lifetime not only for your inspiration but to inspire others whether it be through verbal or written communication, through prayer and invocation, meditation on ways to uplift and bring healing, helping others in a crisis of indecision, to try to shed some light in areas of indecision, to instill the powerful notion that no one is valueless, that we all have some talent, some gift, some potential to make a difference. The Almighty Creator did not bring us into being without the above positives embedded in our make-up.From this perspective it is only to easy to recognize people who have done something or who are busy doing something to inspire others. They range from writers of many genre's to artists to dynamic speakers passionate about their message to those with the ability to act as channels for the Masters and beings of light energy, to those with the gift of healing, and so forth. What about those who are inspired to work with animals and the healing and rehabilitation of the environment? What about those who engage in obtaining and distributing foodstuff for the poor and destitute and there are truly many, many of such people all over the world, though it would appear that Africa is probably one of the largest of such areas, a prime example has been the latest drive by food agencies in Ethiopia.
And so the ways of aspiration to do and the inspiration to put this into practical action, are manifold indeed. Does this not bring to mind that implanted in all men and women by the divine spirit is the urge, the imperative to give of oneself in whatever way one can to ease the plight of the suffering to make a difference in the world for good, to bring harmony where there is discord and strife, to be peacemakers and not troublemakers. Let us all on awakening each day ask that we may continue to be inspired to do what we can to be givers.
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