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accessing the akashic records - Konstadina Sadoriniou
An insight to past, present and future
By Konstadina Sadoriniou
Imagine a library that has no limits… Imagine its shelves filled with countless books with countless pages…. Imagine it, being in a sacred place that no man can access physically or see with physical eyes, but still it is there. It is there as a reality that exists beyond space and time and it’s made up with pure, divine light. A light that no earthly being can sense under a 3D vision but still can experience and be part of it through the power of its subconscious mind, and its spiritual existence. This is the eternal creation of the Akashic Records.
The word “akashic” derives from the sanskrit word “Akasha” which means “ether” or “boundless space” or “primary substance”. These records are formed by the written journey of every individual soul since the beginning of this planet and are also known as the Book of Life or The Book of Remembrance. Every thought, every word, every action of the individual and his interactions with the rest of the creation, throughout its many incarnations and sojourns on this planet are registered on these etheric pages. It’s where one can find the past, present and future of every living being.
It has been compared as the world wide web and the countless of individual websites. Through the internet everyone is able to access his / hers own website or the other people’s websites, however, only we can alter our own website. In the same way the akashic records are not static books but made by interactive pages, with an ongoing creative stimulus upon the present. A person is able through the power of free will to consciously or subconsciously re-write its history and also change its potential future direction.
The Akashic Records are not actual books or scrolls -though many people see them as such when they access them - but they are actually an energetic vibration. It is this energy vibration that translates into images, forms, symbols, imagery, and language that the mind can understand.
There has been a reference to the akashic records and the Book of Life by many old civilizations, cultures and religions. It goes back to the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. Information on the Book of Life we can find in the Old and New Testaments (i.e. Exodus 32:32, Psalm 139, Philippians 4). In our more recent history, there is a mention and channeled information from the founder of Theosophical Society Madam Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and the founder of the Anthroposophical Society Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925). However, the most extensive source of information regarding the Akashic Records comes form the clairvoyant work of Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945).
Cayce was a Christian mystic and founder of the Association for Research and Enlightenment Inc. In his 43 years of work he was able to document hundreds of readings written in books or tapes. When asked about the source of his information, Cayce mentioned that there were mainly two: the subconscious mind of the individual he was reading and the akashic records. Amongst other, he has stated about the records: As it has been often called, the records is God’s Book of Remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world- either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self towards that which is the ideal manner for the use of time, opportunity and the expression of that which each soul enters a material manifestation. The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness”.
In this last comment lies the basic foundation and intent in the whole process of opening one’s akashic records. Although we all do have glimpses of some aspects that have been written in our records - through our dreams or unexpected feelings, senses, images or knowingness - one can have the ability of accessing his / her akashic records through a process of hypnosis, past- life imaginative reverie, meditation, or through the help of a psychic reader. Moreover, one can be taught and be mentored on how to develop his /hers psychic abilities, intuition and receive information from their own records. Depending on who the reader is and their special characteristics and abilities, the information can be received through sensing, seeing, hearing or inner knowing.
Although the akashic records were written as if you were to write something with pen on paper as realistically as everything has taken place, every reader has a different level of ability to perceive, perceives the information from a different perspective than someone else and interprets the information based on his /her understanding, knowledge, belief system, intents, purposes, fears and expectations. Moreover, when it comes to future predictions, a reader can only see the most possible future potential, based on the past and the present, as the future is not predestined, but is continuously being formed through the free will and free choice all of us have.
However, there is great validity in being able to access our akashic records, as the intent is not to merely know things of our past births and what the future holds for us. The intent is to receive insight which will help us progress in our inner journey as well as our life’s journey, become better people and create a better life for us and those around us, through divine guidance and direction.
We can never become sure if what we perceive from our records is 100% accurate – although many times we are offered validations – but if the information resonates with us and is helping us become a better person or create a better living, is it most likely worth considering, accepting and following.
An Akashic Records reading can bring the guidance we need in our life to work through present problems, it can allow us to see the opportunities we need for growth, direction, creativity, and joy. In addition, an Akashic Records reading can bring peace and understanding to current day illnesses, grief, and suffering. Moreover, it can help us sort out difficult or major life transitions; it can bring clarity to our thought processes or, help us to see the problem from an angle we have not considered.
Questions that are often asked include: what is my soul’s purpose; what is my mission for this life; Am I on the right path; am I in the right relationship; am I in the right job or profession; how can I heal; which are the blockages that prevent me to heal or progress; and questions which require deeper understanding on various karmic issues.
Knowing what we had been in the past would only be of importance if during those times we took advantage of the opportunities that laid before us in coming closer to our divine origins. In other words, the importance would be, not in what an individual we were in the past but, what an individual we are becoming now. The way that at present the akashic records reveal information – even that from past births – is based on this intent of providing the individual with those possibilities that where taken, not taken and would be of benefit to be taken at present and / or in the future.
The method of accessing the akashic records should be used with the greatest of respect and reverence and with the intent of empowering the individual and not creating co-dependencies.
Now at a time we are living moments of great spiritual evolution, enlightenment and revelations, we are able to better and quicker develop our insight and access information which were not available to us before. We are also able to have the ability not only to open our akashic records and those of others, but we can do so with the presence of our higher self, divine beings, angels, guides and ascended masters. We are able to create and be in that highly evolved energetic space where the experience is so unique, beautiful and extraordinary that one can only experience benefit from it.
Although Cayce had to take himself in a state of self-hypnosis and trance, at present it is not necessary to do this to access the akashic records. Although a creation of a quite and clear space and a quite and clear mind would be very helpful, the akashic records can be opened through a sacred prayer, where one can state specific questions and be able to receive a response in any means, and be able to interpret it as clearly and objective as possible.
One needs to trust the self and what is received, to trust their inner gut feelings and intuition. Self – confidence plays a major role in this process, and self –confidence comes through practice and even with validations and guidance of an experienced mentor / akashic records reader.
Accessing the akashic records can be an amazing journey of deep and valuable insight, of spiritual teaching and personal transformation and growth. This potential and this ability is a great self empowering tool which helps us re-claim our power, re-discover our self, re-evaluate our life and re-write our history.
It gives us the opportunity for healing and personal growth. In our present time frame, accessing the akashic records is not a privilege of the few. Any person is able - if he / she should wish – to re-awaken his/ her ability to access his/her book of life and claim control of his / her past, present and future.
Konstadina is an Akashic Records reader/ channel and teacher, an international self-development coach & trainer, an experienced and qualified consultant, alternative & energy modalities therapist & teacher, visionary artist and author. Konstadina has been in this path for almost 20 years and presently she is the Director of the Centre of Specialised Therapies & Training operating worldwide. For more details you can visit her website
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